FX Commissions - InCameraFx

FX Commissions

Working with InCamera

Since we launched our YouTube channel back in September of 2020, we've gone from a studio hire facility and production company to a fully fledged special effects company, working with companies large and small in both the broadcast and commercial worlds.

In this short time, we've worked on feature films providing practical effects, blown up miniature buildings for a video game launch and worked in virtual production for TV shows as well as our own content.

So you want some more do you?!

Well fear not, there's plenty more wizardry to be had on our YouTube channel...

FX Demos on YouTube

  • WW2 AERIAL RAID - Creating the opening shot of a WAR FILM!





    WW2 AERIAL RAID - Creating the opening shot of a WAR FILM!

    Creating the opening shot for a WW2 film, an aerial raid of Lancaster bombers…

    Watch It! go
  • How We Created The Special FX For A VIDEO GAME Trailer!





    How We Created The Special FX For A VIDEO GAME Trailer!

    Using Special FX techniques such as Miniatures, Pyrotechnics and Digital tools,…

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  • MIND BLOWING Submarine Special FX Sequence (Teaser)





    MIND BLOWING Submarine Special FX Sequence (Teaser)

    Using key Special FX techniques to create a 5-part cinematic Submarine sequence…

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  • Shooting a Replica UZI 9MM with Practical MUZZLE FLASH FX!





    Shooting a Replica UZI 9MM with Practical MUZZLE FLASH FX!

    Filming a replica Uzi 9mm in slow motion with practical muzzle flash effects…

    Watch It! go

The Studios

When covid hit back in 2020, it hit hard. We had an incredible studio space and very little work to do, but it gave us the time and place to work towards our goal of launching our practical effects channel, and using that channel to highlight our skills in practical filmmaking.

We believe we have one of the best studio facilities in the UK, and we've been producing content and working with clients here for nearly ten years.

The Channel

In the short time it's been live, our YouTube channel has gone from strength to strength, gathering tens of thousands of subscribers and amassing over a million views in just its first year.

One of the major benefits of the channel for our clients, is that we can use our audience to build interest in your project. If there's an angle on which we can produce some content for ourselves, and put your project in front of our rabid fans, it's win-win.